Thank you, and thank you, and thank you!

Thank you

As an independent creator, every video, podcast, or word I put out there is for you.

Nebula is a creator-supported streaming service. Joining and watching my videos on Nebula directly supports me.

That’s not all. I make two versions of every video. One for YouTube and one for Nebula. In the Nebula version there’s extra content! Maybe it’s a bit more of an interview, an extra joke, or a whole other section that I cut from YouTube for time; it really depends on the video.

No matter what, that extra content you can’t get anywhere else except Nebula.

Nebula is also ad-free. And you can watch more than just me, we have hundreds of creators in the network with more being added all the time.

As I mentioned, if you join Nebula using my link then you support me, but also if you watch my videos on Nebula you continue to support me. Thanks for considering it!

The more traditional support option is to go join my Patreon! There you can get exclusive blog posts when videos go live, and a few other little perks. You won’t get access to videos early right now, or the exclusive Nebula versions, but if you support other people on Patreon and want to keep everything tidy — I get it — then please consider supporting me too!

No matter where you choose to support, I thank you so much for considering it. I wouldn’t be able to do this work without your help!